Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How I Got Here....

Here is my Story:
(Here is me before at Disneyland)
I have never really liked to exercise growing up.  I enjoyed dancing and speed walking but that was it.  I noticed that several years after high school I was beginning to gain weight.  I have never really exercised or watched what I was eating so I am not surprised that I got to over 200 pounds.

When you gain weight little by little it can creep up on you.  Soon you are looking in the mirror and not recognizing the person in front of you.

I got married and settled into a very lazy lifestyle of work and home to eat dinner on the couch in front of the  TV.  I did this for a few years and surprise gained even more weight.  I made all sorts of excuses for myself because I wasn't ready to make a real change. 

Years before I was married I bought the Slim in 6 and tried to do it for about a week.  I was in hair school full time and working nights and so early morning was the only time that I could workout.  It lasted about a week because I was not making my fitness a priority.
A few years went by and I got fed up.  I remembered that I had the slim in 6 program and decided that this time I was going to work out for sure.  I did one round (6 weeks) of the program and began to feel great.  At first it was so hard.  I remember stopping the Dvd a lot and sometime I did not feel like I could make it.  But I could tell that I was getting stronger and my family noticed a difference.Having people around me tell me that I was losing weight felt great.

I had figured out a routine but when I had family come into town I slacked off again and fell out of working out for a few months.  Again I gained determination to lose more weight and started the program again.  6 weeks later I was down to a size 10.  I thought at the time that I started that a 10 would be so small and then I would be done losing. I kept at it and soon I was trying on a size 8 and then a size 6.

Exercise is not fun for most people because they are not doing the right thing for them.  This is different for all people.  

I know that most of the reason I have been able to change my life was by hard work, but I also credit the trainers that have motivated me to achieve so much.

I have since tried Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire, Chalean Extreme and Brazil Butt lift.

I have run in two road races and done a triathlon.  When you overcome great things all the sudden there is no impossible. 

I lift weight and that is the reason that I have my great arms and legs and butt.  I love my new body and my new healthy approach to life.   People are always asking me what I did to lose the weight and I tell them about Beachbody and all their support.
There is nothing that you can't achieve if you put your mind to it and really work.

I was selected to appear in the new Slim in 6 Infomercial because of  my success.  It was a blast (besides being shot in my bikini, it was Feb. so needless to say I was "White" it did not look that great).

 Here are some shots from the photo shoot:

I have since started my new Fitness Business of motivating others to achieve their goals and dreams.
If you want more info you can contact me at: debbie_a_linn@yahoo.com  or facebook/debbielinnwalter or at www.teambeachbody.com/debbiewalter

1 comment:

  1. You Go Girl!! What a HUGE accomplishment! I do like Slim in 6 because of the simplicity. As they say if I can do it anyone can because I do not have much coordination. It is great to be able to feel the burn from the first workout even when you are still learning the moves. Unlike some other workouts I would spend more time watching trying to figure out what to do than actually doing the workout.
    Slim in 6 does give results. People noticed when I was using it too. For the first time in my life people used the word skinny to describe me.
    Slim in 6 is an easy program to follow that does deliver the results! Thanks for sharing your story Debs! You are inspiration to us all! :D


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